New School Year
For many families in the community, the required school supply list doesn’t fit into an already tight family budget.
Local school administrators always request support from our parish to provide supplies for over 200 children in the community
The Parish School Supply Drive Team invites our parishioners to consider supporting families in need prayerfully.
The School Supply List is published in the bulletin (including deadlines) and through parish communication platforms such as PARISH WEBSITE, FLOCKNOTE, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, etc.,
The Ministry Team recommends that families shop for school supplies and consider picking up extra items for children in need. This is a great way to talk to kids about children in need, families in poverty, and Jesus' invitation to care for the poor!
The School Supply Drive initiative is in July. The parishioners can also donate through parish office or online. Check should indicate "School Supply Drive."
For more information, please contact Chris Bell at [email protected]