At St. Boniface, we have a clear mission and a developing vision. Our core values remain consistent and are what we strive to embody as we live out our mission and vision.
Our Mission
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you
(Mt 28:19-20).
Our Vision
Building a community of joyful disciples, deeply grounded in prayer, presence, and proclamation.
Our Core Values
Our core values are how we live out our mission and vision. They include: listening, empowerment, hospitality, evangelistic, and dependence on the Holy Spirit. We define each value below.
Listening. We model love when we listen. We listen first to gain context for another person’s life. We earn the right to be heard ourselves, not as a “transaction,” but when other people say we’ve earned it because we’ve taken the time to understand them.
Hospitality. Radical hospitality exists when and where there is true warmth, generosity, and attentiveness towards another person.
Empowerment. We don’t “settle” to just fill a spot. We identify our gifts, talents and passions and find our “sweet spot” to further the mission.
Evangelistic. We each have access to people who no one else does. When we are truly evangelistic, people “hunger” for what we have and that is what attracts them to Jesus.
Dependence on the Holy Spirit. Jesus returned to his Father in heaven so that we would receive the Holy Spirit to continue his work here on earth. With this indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we receive grace and the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control.