1880: First Catholic Church was built in Waukee
1912: Fr. Francis Larkin became First Pastor
1918: Bishop Dowling gave permission to build a larger church.
1947: Parish hall was constructed and it's most important function was religious education. The preschool and school age children gathered for Sunday School and Religious Education.
1992: With a combination of purchase and gift from Philip and Charlotte Broderick, St. Boniface parish received 13.26 acres located at the southwest corner of University Avenue and Warrior Lane in Waukee.
1998: “Celebrating the Past…Building for the Future” Capital Campaign was introduced; over $1,143,000 was pledged toward the building of a new facility (Sanctuary, Parish Hall, and Faith Formation Center).
2001: The new St. Boniface Church facility (1200 S Warrior Ln) was opened on January 27, 2001, with the Consecration of the Altar and first Mass
2002: Father Vince Rosonke was the pastor.
2006: Parish began Phase II with “Building Faith” Capital Campaign for completion of the facility.
2007: Faith Formation Center was completed and dedicated in September.
2019: After 17 years, Father Rosonke retired as pastor and Father Chinna Devaraj began his ministry.
1869: A New Town is Born
Graduating Class of 1911 in Waukee
Harris and Shuler Coal Mines Open in Waukee
Camp People of the Shuler Mine Community
Family Life in the Shuler Mine Community
Waukee and Shuler Camp Schools
Waukee and Shuler Mining Camp Churches
Waukee Shuler Elementary School
St. Mary's Cemetery
St. Boniface Statues and May Crowning Memories
History of St. Boniface's Stained-Glass Window
St. Boniface Memories of the Past and Today