24 Count Crayons
4 Pack Dry Erase White Board Markers
Large Box of Facial Tissue
Scissors (metal blade-pointed OR blunt tip style)
2 Wide Ruled Spiral Notebooks (70 page)
1" 3 - Ring Binder with clear plastic sleeve on cover
3 Plain 2-Pocket Folders Highlighters Box of Colored Pencils
#2 Pencils Wide Ruled,
Loose Leaf Notebook Paper
Washable Thick Markers (Classic)
Composition Notebooks, wide ruled black marble
Plastic Pencil Box OR zipper pencil bag
Jumbo Glue Sticks
Large Pink Erasers OR pencil top erasers
Pkg. of multi-color 3x3 Sticky Notes
Donations can be dropped before each Mass now through August 4.
You are also welcome to drop them off in the parish office during the week (9am-4pm).