Questions? Contact Jackie Origer in the Faith Formation Office at 515-850-1883 or email [email protected]
What: Children’s Liturgy at Mass is a worship experience geared especially for kids. It mirrors the worship experience of the larger community at Mass, with a style that is engaging and interactive. Jesus recognized that children have a pure spirituality, when he said, "Unless you become children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven" (Mt. 18:3), and acknowledged them as the primary spiritual model for all of us!
Why? The Word of God has a message that is as relevant for children as it is for adults. Often children fail to hear the message because they’re unable to comprehend adult vocabulary. Children's Liturgy helps children to hear the Scripture in words they understand and to share their own understanding.
Who? Here at St. Boniface, we invite children ages 4-7 to participate in Children’s Liturgy. As the primary faith formators in your home, we invite one or both parents to accompany your child the first time they attend Children's Liturgy. This allows you to see and hear firsthand what your child sees and hears. After that, we encourage children to attend on their own, but parents (or older siblings) are always welcome if the younger child needs support.
How? Children's Liturgy begins with the Introductory Rites of the Mass, with children seated in the larger assembly with their families. After the Opening Prayer, Father will invite children to come to the foot of the altar, receive a blessing, then move respectfully to the parish hall with their session leaders. Children return to their families after the Prayer of the Faithful and celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist and the rest of Mass with the entire community. Planning Guide. Pease click here for a guide with suggestions for how to plan and lead a Children's Liturgy of the Word session.
Content? Leaders prepare with weekly lesson plans sent by coordinator, along with children's materials from The Kids The kids bulletin is free and published weekly. All families are welcome to access the materials!
Safe Environment Requirements. All adult leaders and assistants over the age of 18 are required to complete Diocesan safe environment guidelines. Please contact the Faith Formation Office for assistance with these requirements.