"Once again this year we observe World Mission Sunday on October 25. The work of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith is accomplished in 1111 dioceses scattered throughout the world. The theme for this year is “Here I am. Send me.” It highlights the outreach carried out by dedicated missionaries among the poor and marginalized half a world away. Each day they live out these words as they reach out to those most vulnerable in our society, sharing God’s love by offering practical, emotional and spiritual care.
In his message for World Mission Sunday this year, Pope Francis asks us to respond to our baptismal call to mission by saying, “Here I am. Send me.” We do that, not by traveling to countries around the world, but through our prayer and by our support of the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.
Please join me once again in a generous response to this call. Your contribution, large or small, to this collection will be a sign to our brothers and sisters throughout the world of our solidarity with them in their great need. May God bless you abundantly for your generosity!"
To give, you may add your donation to a collection basket at Mass this weekend (10/24-25). Please indicate that it's for World Mission Sunday. Alternately, you may visit
https://stboniface.weshareonline.org/ and select "Mission Sunday."